Jay Fisher - Fine Custom Knives

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"Drepan" tactical karambit knife, obverse side view in T4 cryogenically treated 440C high chromium martensitic stainless steel blade, 304 stainles steel bolsters, orange/black G10 fiberglass epoxy composite laminate, sheath in leather shoulder, hand-tooled, nylon stitching, stainless steel reinforcement

Knife Making Instruction

"Macha Navigator" tactical combat knife, obverse side view in ATS-34 high molybdenum stainless steel blade, 304 stainless steel bolsters, Olive hardwood handle, locking kydex, aluminum, stainless steel, nickel plated steel sheath

I thought about what i must write in this letter for 7 last years.
Mr. Fisher, you have been my teacher, inspired and role models at all that time. For anyone who wants to learn how to make a finest knives, just need to read read and again read your web site. Encyclopedia of knives! 8 years have passed since as I started studying and learning on your web site. Thanks for your titanic work! Thank you for your web site, a place where you disperse many myths about the knife making reality! I look forward for date of publication your book, your book for me is the most cherished dream.
I wish you a long life, God bless you for your work.
Best regards

--Igor Pozdniakov

Hi Jay,
I'm writing merely to thank you for the vast amount of information you've put up on your website.
I am an engineer professionally, and make knives in my free time. I learned everything I know about knifemaking from the internet, and a significant portion of that knowledge came from studiously reading your site (many times over.) The technical knowledge you've published was extremely helpful, and your work itself is a huge inspiration.
I also took a page from your book and decided to "give back" - I wrote an extensive report on a telescope I built, in the hope that it would help others in the same way that your website helped me.

Thank you again!
--R. S.

Dear Mr. Fisher,
I hope my e-mail finds you in good health. I have recently read on your webpage that you are recovering from a surgical operation; I wish you a fast and successful recovery.

I am writing to you to thank you for your work, and for the works of art that you are creating, and for all the great knowledge on your webpage and all the inspiration you have given me. There are many beautiful, decorous knives with great fit and finish, but many of them are impractical and only decorous. Your works are beautiful, "clean" (not overfilled with details) and intended to be used. In my opinion they are just the best.

I am a young knifemaker and your works give me inspiration to make possibly the best knives. I will need many many years to achieve the quality anywhere near to that which you are making, but I will try my best. The problem with making better quality knives is that I don’t have anyone to talk to about them, to learn from or to find solutions of some the problems. Most of the other knifemakers in my country stopped their development at bushcrafts and somehow excluded me from their "community." The few that are making anything better just don’t want to share any knowledge.  I wish I could visit you one day to talk about knives and learn something from you (I really have many questions), but I know that it is rather impossible. Neither have you have the time nor I money to travel to USA. I will be glad if you find time to at least read my e-mail.

Today, after several hours of hand-finishing very hard hypereutectoid stainless steel and trying to achieve mirror finish, it came to my mind that you would understand the pain of this laborious process and that and I should write to you and thank you. Without you I probably wouldn’t be putting so much work into every knife and wouldn’t be making them as well as I am right now (compared to what I did several years ago).  

You don’t know me, but you are my mentor and teacher and the most important thing that I learned from you is to constantly develop and strive for the best. I wish I could learn directly from you, but I am glad that I can at least read your words, watch your videos and see photos of your works.

Thank you Mr. Fisher! I wish you and your family all the best!

With best regards, B. G.

Hi Jay From South Australia

THANK YOU! Your website is a rare treasure. I have learnt more in one evening from your website in one than a month of scouring the web on blade technology.

I am and have been a part-time hobby jeweler for years who had aspirations of making a knife for myself as a display of my "talents". That is the problem with finding the best out there. It can make you feel like an infant who has just shat in his nappies! I'm confident in my design skills as a jeweler but when it comes to blades I am a noob and WAY out of my league. 

I'm going to use your site as a study reference as this art is something I am determined to learn. Was trying to find someone to do a blade on commission to fit my handle but was not satisfied with what is available to me here. When reading the manufacturers (Damasteel, Sandvik, Crucible) instructions on hardening and tempering their premium martensite alloys many recommend cryo treatment for optimum tempering but have yet to find one commercial small volume heat treater here in Australia who does it. When I queried this they (the heat treating firms I made inquiries with) dismissed it as not important! HUH? So I dismissed them! Mediocrity is not inspiring. AT ALL!

That made me both frustrated and angry and also determined to find an answer. Then I come across your website and literally in one evening a lifetime of myth and bullshit on blade craft was wiped from my mind. Ahhhhhh! It was a cleansing experience I assure you!

I have a LONG journey ahead of me. Absorbing everything on your website is but the first step. THANK YOU for your honesty, your professional attitude and the dedication to your craft that inspired you to give so much. It is very and mandatory reading at a time in history when but a precious few in their given art. I wish you all the best and I am sure that better is yet to come.

Kindest regards,
Mark Gessner

I know you're swamped with more important emails, so not expecting anything in return. I just wanted to let you know that I recently binge watched all your YouTube videos and then poured through your heat treating/cryo discussion on your website, and enjoyed it all.
I was encouraged by your line about an "advanced book" in which you implied a further dissertation on a cryo processor that could be built. All I could say is that I'll keep an eye out for it! A cursory search for building one has not produced any viable sources, but I'll keep digging.
Thanks for the fantastic information!

D. H.
(A knife maker with far less experience as you, but nonetheless the same aspirations)

Thank you for everything you have taught me via your website. I try to follow your philosophy and guidance on every one that I make. I'm no Jay Fisher, but I'm getting better everyday. Thank you. No need to reply. I know you are busy.

--Kevin Zito

Hello Jay,
My name is Donnie Owens; I am a disabled US Marine and served in combat in Iraq. I have been a x-ray combo pipewelder and bench hand for the better part of my life. I am a HUGE knife guy and i just was reading your article on knife testing: very, very well done. I have been doing some blacksmith work at my house recently (2-3 months). I just wanted to say I really, really love your knives. I don't want anything from you, just wanted to let you know that everything that I have read has been 100% true; I like that. I would one day like to purchase one of your blades. Anyway, that's really all, if you have any pointers or information that you would like to have had when you first started, I will listen. That is all. I hope you have a good day and i will get back to your website.

Thanks again,
Donnie Owens 

Hi, Donnie.
Thanks for writing and thanks most for your service and sacrifice for our country.

If there were one piece of advice I could give that I wish someone had told me when I started 40 years ago would be don’t set limits. There is no limit to what can be done when we truly love the craft. As a young man and beginning maker, I thought that what could be done with knives and what I could do would be limited, and that I could only go so far. I was amazed by what happened when, day after day, I worked in the field I love. I’ll also admit that I didn’t realize how important it was for me to create these pieces, and consequently, how important they would be to their owners.

Thanks again,

Hello Jay,
...I only e-mail to say thank you for your straight forward, understandable language used to clarify all your personal ideas, visions and aspects around Knife-creating.
I found and visited your website by pure chance, in the exact right place and time whilst finishing my own process in fine-tuning my visions, loose ends and fascinations as a visual-artist. Your clear voiced experience, and insight was helpful in a more universal way than merely the building of quality Knives. Maybe I could relate to the subject, because I have a fascination for Knives since my youth, and I believe I can grasp the mystical aspect of the Knife.
Anywho...  The devil is in the details, so Thanks again.
May your knife business flourish like all other D.I.Y. quality knife businesses, and all other businesses for that matter.


Mr. Fisher,
I have been learning to make knives for three years and the detailed information you provide, for free, on your website is extremely helpful.  The volume of information is almost overwhelming, so I am constantly revisiting your website to see what I missed from the last time.  I am grateful that you take the time to maintain a huge website in addition to the works of art you create.
It was exhausting and hilarious to read the emails you have received in the past.  I can't believe you get these by the hundreds and thousands.  By you posting those emails and your comments, I am able to learn from other people's mistakes and they show me what I can expect if I ever endeavor to turn knife making into more than just a hobby.  In those emails, I am also able to learn the characteristics of a high quality knife and what I should strive for in my own efforts.
Again, thank you for sharing so much information.

San Antonio, TX

I just wanted to share a note. I am in awe of your work. I've spent many hours combing your website. As a craftsman and hobbyist myself, I am in complete awe to what you do. The sheer perfection and flawlessness of your work would be impressive so much on its own, but the prolific extent to all you do nearly overwhelms me.
I've made my own knife designs, featuring my own lapidary work.  Nothing on the spectrum of what you do,....but I treasure what I've made.
I'd like to get a fixed blade, with a gemstone handle from you someday. In the mean time, I wanted to thank you for your art and inspiration. I enjoy just spending evenings looking at your work, admiring the file work, seeing your artwork in so many mediums (metals, lapidary, leather, etc.)
You should write a book, or consider a coffee table book with your wonderful photography. I've never come across anyone like you or the work you do. I will be so sad if ever your website goes away. I hope there is a way your legacy will go on. Your work is singular.
Thanks for your art and inspiration.

M. M.

Hi Jay,
Just had to say thanks a ton for all the great info on heat treating and cryogenic treating of knives. I'm a novice to knives but an analyst by trade, so I appreciate that level of detail to learn more about the process. The more I learn, the more I appreciate all that goes into the art and science of knifemaking.

--E. B.

Hello Mr. Fisher,
As the title of this email already says, each time I am visiting your website (daily :) ) I become even more and more impressed.
You are for sure the best knifemaker alive and not only for your gorgeous work but also for your vast knowledge.
Any visitor, no matter of his profession will definitely find in your website a reason to go further, to learn more and to improve reaching for perfection. I never tried to find a fault in your work as I am sure it would be a waste of time, the way you are judging things, the sack of knowledge behind each and every thing you make is enough to know that you are facing a very fine educated man and craftsman.

I simply adore your courage to face and combat the lies promoted by the huge "sharks" on the market, never seen this before and maybe I will never see it again; it requires arguments, self trust and motivation for the good of the customers. Once again thank you very much for all your efforts to share your vast knowledge with us! May God bless you for long and peaceful years in the Sharp Instinct Studio! :) All the best,

--A. (apprentice knifemaker)

Mr. Fisher.
Thank you for your wonderful and well informed site about knives.
So far I have spent quite a few hours reading fascinating info way beyond of what I was looking for.
I have masters degree from mechanical engineering. In the course of my study I have also studied some [steel] metallurgy subjects. I work as an IT contractor for a large steelmaking corporation. I *very* much appreciate your very sensible, balanced and pragmatic info on the topic.
I just wanted to say how much I appreciate the info and wonderful advertisements on site - the pictures of your fantastic work.

Best regards
from Slovakia

Since ordering the knife I have spent an average of an hour per day going through your website,  but I still have quite a ways to go. For me that is saying a lot because I usually have no free time for such recreational things. I have willingly shirked some responsibilities over the past week simply to keep reading your website! Your writing style is incredibly informative and clear. I look forward to reading your books. And I see there is a documentary coming out on you. Looking forward to it. 

--B. H.

I can’t thank you enough for the abundance of knowledge that you have made available for folks to read. I’m old enough and wise enough to recognize wisdom in others.

Thanks again,
M. B.

This is the first contact I have ever attempted to any manufacturer, company, or individual creator of anything ever. I'm 54 years old. I came across this website and your amazing knives quite by accident, web surfing for a good quality survival,/combat, quality knife that I could trust with not only my life but my families if I ever was in a situation that required it. I have looked at hundreds, finally bought a Gerber hunter/ survival knife; its seems to be a quality blade, too short, but I believe it wouldn't break, I'm not happy with the edge or length or overall profile/ geometry its got @1 3/4 serration near the grip which kinda makes the straight blade edge too far from the grip to control but its the best I've found save an old Kabar bayonet my dad( ex ranger) had from Korea. Both just aren't quite right and seem crude to me, I have not abused either and wouldn't anymore than I would abuse any other tool I own. They just lack the right feel. Any knife, any good knife should be an extension of your intent....balance, weight, visually, and most importantly it needs to cut anything you intend to every time without fail: no chipping, no breaking, hold an edge. Just as you mention in your incredible explanations it needs to be a perfect combination of hardness, flexibility, balance, perfect blend of form and function. That's just not going to happen with a mass produced knife.
I have some experience In engineering, heat treat and metal fabrication, over 30 years, my dad for over 40 years before me. I live to create, anything really, but to me form has to meld with function, or its just not complete. It's not enough for it to work, it has to look and feel right as well.
I don't have the words to express the respect I have for your creations, not just what they are but especially what went into it. Someday I will ask you to create one for me. It will have to be the perfect size, shape and I have absolutely no doubt if you make it it will function as well. I hope to send you a drawing and a idea of what I'm envisioning and let you mold it, tweak it , whatever into the perfect blade .its going to be one of the most difficult things for me to do because ideally I would be there watching you do it. The things I have that I value the most are things i have made or modified myself. Because of the demand and your exacting methodology I'm sure that's not possible for me to do.
What you do and how you do it is truly unique, especially in this age of mass produced disposable crap that passes for quality. The value of what you represent in your pursuit of perfection in your art is really priceless. That being said I hope you have taken an apprentice who could perhaps continue in your craft, it would truly be a great loss to have the skill and knowledge you have worked so hard to achieve be lost. Every once in a great while someone emerges who has transcended those before , as I believe you have. Please don't let it be lost. I would jump at an opportunity to see you ply your craft in person; would you ever consider having someone visit for a while to maybe watch and learn something about how you go about you trade? Hopefully you will he able to complete my knife and probably a fighting type sword if I can scrape up the cash for both, they will undoubtedly become heirloom blades for my future family.
I had to write, obviously you don't need my approval, or my compliments, I'm sure you get many from professionals who use your knives in real, meaningful situations. I just never felt strongly enough about anything to take the time to write before.
Thank you for being who you are, the world needs more like you, not just blademasters but any who would put the time and effort into their chosen passion as you have. That lack of passion is lost on our youth today and its a tragedy. I just felt compelled to say something, sorry for taking up your time. I really would love to have an opportunity to talk with you and see how you make these incredible blades on your website, as I'm sure many many others would as well.

Thank you,

Hi Mr. Fisher,
My name is David S. I live here in Albuquerque NM. I'll start by saying I love your work. I don't wish to waste much of your time, but I am looking for an apprenticeship or at least some guidance. I'm willing to work for free. I'm dedicated and reliable. I have zero experience, but I'm intelligent and learn quickly. I'm sure you're much to busy and have no interest in someone like myself, but perhaps you could point me in the right direction. Everyone has to start somewhere. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. If you choose not to respond, I fully understand. Thank you and God Bless.


Knife Making Instruction: When, How?

The reason that I've created this page is due to the huge amount of requests I've received for knife making instruction. If you are one of those people who've requested information, programs, or even DVD-based offerings for knife instruction from me, I'm honored and flattered that you would ask, but this is not something I do, at present.

Currently, I'm involved in many orders and commitments, and any time I take for any extraneous activity would only push those responsibilities back further. I also have professional responsibilities as an expert knife consultant. Since my clients have invested their money in my work, I owe it to them to continue working through their orders and fulfilling my obligations. While it may be attractive to some day be able to offer training to other makers, quite simply, this is not something I can afford to take the time to do.

Please stay tuned for advancements in this arena. There are several universities that may be considering an actual professional knifemaking tradecraft curriculum. There is plenty of interest in this; knifemaking is the most ancient of trades, yet it is not officially taught, anywhere!

Page Topics

"Krag" professional tactical/counterterrorism knife, obverse side view in ATS-34 high molybdenum stainless steel blade, ghost slate finish, 304 stainless steel bolsters, black/red G10 handle, hybrid tension locking sheath in kydex, anodized aluminum, stainless steel, titanium
"Krag" Tactical Counterterrorism/Combat Knife

Knifemaking Apprenticeships

Frequently, people write asking about "apprenticeships." There is no such thing.

No person or entity is offering a two, four, or six year program to learn to be a professional knifemaker, anywhere. There are knifemakers who may offer to teach interested parties what they know, but this comes at a price. Beware of all of these; do your background work and research the maker, his track record, his success at knifemaking, who he makes for, how many knives he's made, and his knives. In most cases, you'll find this is an attempt to separate an interested student from his money. Here's a detailed example of this on my Business of Knifemaking page.

Some people understand that I don't offer instruction, but ask me to recommend someone in the field. I can't, I don't, and I won't. I haven't seen anyone I'd send a family member to if they wanted to learn knifemaking, so I wouldn't send a stranger there either!

Page Topics

"Bordeaux" fine professional grade knife, in 440C high chromium stainless steel blade treated with T3 cryogenic heat treatment, 304 stainless steel bolsters, Brown Zebra Jasper gemstone handle
"Bordeaux" Slicing, BBQ, Chef's Knife

Knifemaking Passion or Just Interest?

One of the overlying issues of knifemaking is that it takes about 10 years to become proficient and skilled at making knives. There is no shortcut, the learning must take place continually, and the student must have a passionate interest built in. This means it's something that gets him up in the morning, it's something that he is disciplined about, and it's often something that he would do for free, just to do it. A lot of people will tell you that they are that disciplined and passionate, but it's rare that they are being honest with themselves and not just telling you what they want you to hear.

Page Topics

Wax mold models for "Antheia" custom knife sculpture; chef's knife set in 440C high chromium stainless steel blades, hand-engraved 304 stainless steel bolsters, handles of Thulite, Blue Willow Sodalite, California Nephrite Jade, Australian Black Jade gemstones, stand of hand-cast bronze, pecan hardwood, Black Midnight granite
Wax mold models of leaves to cast for bronze knife sculpture/stand for "Antheia" Chef's knives


Knife making is a fascinating field and that is why it attracts not only users and collectors of fine handmade knives, but also people who are interested in making, creating, and becoming knife artists. These range from a guy who just wants to know what it takes so he can make one good knife for himself, to college metals artists who want to know what it takes to create and run a successful knife making business and career. Answering some of those questions is why I'm writing a book on the subject currently. While I do not intend it to be a shop process "how to" book, it will have large amounts of viable, reasonable, and clear information on this very career field that remains unavailable in any other resource.

What can you do if you're interested in making? There are currently numerous how-to videos, DVDs, web sites, forums, and most importantly, books that are available through a simple internet search. The reason I emphasize books is that they are more permanent, solid, and grounded resources than the other media. Books have references, are dated, are something that you can keep in your library that will outlast every other media. You don't need a special browser, reader, player, or any electronics to use a book, just a good pair of reading glasses (if you're older, like me!). You can drag the book into your shop and keep it right on your workbench, next to your tools, without worry about the safety of a plasma display or circuit boards.

Your next question might be, "Just what books can you recommend?"

I may have a detailed source list in my own book, but right now I'm not making any recommendations but one: The Razor Edge Book of Sharpening by John Juranitch. It is by understanding the simple cutting edge, the very last thing you will do if you make a knife, that all other skills that lead up to it are understood. Without the ability to create and maintain a reliable, long-lasting, and easily maintained cutting edge, all of the rest of the knife is useless. Though it's an older book and the material is a bit dated, it is still a viable reference to understanding the working end of a knife. By reading this work by somebody who for decades professionally advised textile mills, packing plants, and industrial manufacturers on what constitutes a well-made cutting edge, you will be able to develop your own personal perspective on what the basis for a knife is, historically, in the future, and in your own knife making pursuits.

Page Topics

Hi Jay,
I emailed you a few months ago and we exchanged a few emails. Still absorbing a lot of info on the subject. Also ordered the book you recommended on your site for sharpening knives by John Juranitch and am very pleased with the results I am getting. He also explains how to sharpen hand plane blades and that has come in particularly handy as I used to make furniture for a living and still do a fair amount to supplement my income. I thought my hand planers were sharp, but they are now on another level. Your website is quite a resource!

--M. R.

"Mesabi" custom knife sculpture in hand-cast bronze, 440C high chromium stainless steel blade, 304 hand-engraved stainless steel bolsters, Fossilized Stromatolite Chert gemstone
"Mesabi" Knife Sculpture

How to Start Knifemaking

Learning starts with the question "Why?" not "How?"

Read. Read. Read some more.

For some reason, a lot of guys think they are born with basic, built-in knife-knowledge. They can easily see that a knife is a piece of metal, in a profiled shape, with a bit of it ground away on both sides so it's thin enough for a cutting edge. They can see that it has some other pieces of metal attached (bolsters and fittings), and it has a handle, wood, horn, bone, or plastic. It's in a sheath of leather or plastic. So how hard can building a knife be?

You might be surprised to know that while it's easy to make a crude knife (or "shank" in prison terms), it's incredibly difficult to make a fine knife, without all the right tools and literally years of practice learning to operate them. This is because no matter how the blade is initially created, it has to be properly heat treated, accurately ground, and adequately finished. So it starts with understanding steel, and how this incredible allotropic crystalline structure is manipulated for a singular purpose. It would do no good to make a knife, and then tell someone who is interested in buying it that you don't really know how it's any better than one they could buy elsewhere.

It's too easy to get off on the wrong foot in knifemaking. Guys go to Instagram or YouTube or one of the hundreds of forums and look at how other guys are making, and try to get a "few quick pointers" on how to make knives. They end up copying exactly what all the other hobbyists do on the forums, and wonder why their knives don't sell,  or why they look just like other's works. That's not too bad, but the worst part is that they leave these venues with piecemeal, corrupt, or even wrong information about the process, the materials, and the tradecraft. A forum is fine if you want to learn how to replace a power window motor in a 2007 Pontiac, but to base an entire tradecraft on this meager resource is not going to work.

Take a look at this website, just for comparison. Take a look at the Knife Anatomy page and the 300+ definitions. Take a look at the "Business of Knifemaking" page for some realistic logic about the tradecraft. Take a look at the "Blades" page for some basic information and then the "Heat Treating and Cryogenic Processing of Knife Blade Steels" for some sobering perspective. And then wonder about what I don't write about because it's too complicated or advanced for a website venue!

I'm not trying to scare you off; I just want you to know that there is no actual process of learning how to make knives for a trade that will be easy. Knifemaking as a profession is incredibly labor-intensive, taking more time than nearly every other vocation. A knife can be made easy and fast, and that is what manufacturers and small boutique shops do. Plain and simple knives are really no reason to make knives by hand at all.

After you've read, try making a knife, just one knife. Find an old file, anneal it, cut it, shape it, grind it, harden and temper it. Finish the steel. Make and attach bolsters. Make and attach a handle. Make a good sheath out of leather for it. No one is born with the knowledge of how to make knives, they all learn it by reading, doing, and failing. Then, they learn from this, read some more, do some more, and fail some more. Eventually, the successes will outnumber the failures, and they'll be on the way!

Never, ever lie about what you do; it will come back to haunt you. If you don't know the answer, start researching. If you don't have enough passion to awaken in the middle of the night thinking about how and what you will do next in knifemaking, you probably shouldn't bother making knives; your heart is not in it.

It's okay to question everything you read and discover; I encourage it. Learning starts with the question "Why?", not "How?" If you can't answer that, you need to do more research.

Page Topics

"Ari B'Lilah" professional counterterrorism knife, obverse side view in ATS-34 high molybdenum alloy stainless steel blade, T3 advanced cryogenic treatment, 304 stainless steel bolsters, ghost slate finish, G10 fiberglass/epoxy composite handle, hybrid tension-locking sheath in kydex, anodized aluminum, 304 stainless steel, titanium
"Ari B'Lilah" Professional Counterterrorism Knife

The Best Online Website by a Professional

Right now, you are reading the best singular knifemaker's website ever made on our planet. On this website, you will see many hundreds of defined knife terms, detailed descriptions and information on heat treating and cryogenic processing, on handles and blades, on stands and sheaths, and on knife types from hunting and utility to military, counterterrorism, and collection. You can learn about food contact safety and chef's knives, you can find out what bolster or fitting material is best for each application and why. You can learn about caring for a knife, you can see the very largest knife patterns page in history, with many hundreds of actual knife patterns and photos of completed works. You'll also be able to see thousands and thousands of photos of knives, knifemaking, processes, and creations, with many hundreds of pages of appropriate, meaningful text. You might want to know why a knife blade is springy, you might want to know why a hollow grind can last longer than a flat grind. You might want to learn about some pitfalls of the tradecraft, and you might even want to have a chuckle about funny and strange email requests.

You'll find all that here, on JayFisher.com, and you won't find it anywhere else!

There is a tremendous amount of free information, right here on this website. This is my contribution to our own tradecraft and field. By understanding how I do business, make knives, and forward my own craft and art, you can gain great insight into your own personal applications. As an aspiring, hopeful, or practicing knife maker, I'm honored that you have taken the time to be here, and you're invited to visit any time!

Page Topics

"Sadr" liner lock folding knife: 440C high chromium stainless steel blade, hand-engraved 304 stainless steel bolsters, jasper gemstone handle, anodized titanium liners, granite case
"Sadr" folding knife

Hello Mr. Fisher.
I just wanted to say how wonderful and valuable your site has been to me. Your works of art are true inspirations-not just as knives but as sculptures, beauty and functionality combined into one elegant piece, not just once but countless times over. It is as if your canvas on which you work is as plentiful as your imagination-which seems to be endless; blending every aspect of a project together and creating a uniform and whole piece of art. Your site has been the most educational site I have come across. In my opinion, without the detailed instruction of every process allows you to work on the philosophy behind the work-the dedication, reasoning, science and the means to creating something beautiful and timeless. And what is a learning experience if someone hands you all the information and solves your problems for you? So far as "instruction" goes, your site can not be beat... I am sixteen years old and have my own, and even successful business- thanks to you. I have learned a great deal, such as proper grinds, heat treating, sole authorship, the use of materials and even working with customers, just from the methodology behind every skillfully crafted knife and valuable insight on the many pages of your website. Your work has kept me going on pieces which I did not think I could finish, when I'm in the dumps because something has gone wrong-a quick browse on your site gives me the fervor and dedication to keep going. Not that I am even close to your skills or knowledge, but I hope someday I might be half as good. One day, If I am lucky enough I will own a Jay Fisher knife- and treasure it forever. I thought that if I never wrote this I would feel guilty... just thank you.
Please keep up the amazing and inspiring work.

-Josh Miller

I just spent the last hour looking at your website. I was drooling the whole time.
I am a 59 year old retired tool and die maker with 40 years experience. I have worked with CNC milling centers, CNC sink EDM, & CMM. Done programing on all of the above plus worked on the actual machining processes with these tools. I did complete an apprenticeship in tool and die making when I was a young man. I am also a certified professional photographer. I ran a wedding and portrait business for 12 years while I worked at GM as a tool and die maker.
Do you need an apprentice in your knife shop?
Great looking shop.

Mike Cunning
Ajax, ON

Dear Mr. Fisher,
I just finished reading your new article about heat treating and cryogenic process. WOW, thank you very much for sharing such lots of information and knowledge. Reading it sure does brings back old memories of college times, as metallurgy is one thing I studied back in college. The way you describe it amazes me; you do it as like you are a lecturer. Very clear explanation, so easy to understand.
Thank you for sharing, and keep up the good work.

--Hendrik Rinaldi

Hello Mr. Fisher,
I just want to start off by saying that your knives are truly pieces of art. I happened upon your site while searching the web for tips on knife design, and I'm very glad I did. Your designs are very inspiring (as are a lot of the words of wisdom that you have filled the site with).
Anyway, I'm a computer and web graphic designer / photographer who has become very interested in knives over the past couple of years. Once I purchased my first quality knife, I couldn't believe how much of a difference it made over the poorly made knives I'd owned before. I have really enjoyed working on small woodcarving and leather projects, and now I would like to try my hand at knife making. While I enjoy graphic design, designing something that has a physical function and beauty is far more interesting.
My question for you is how does one get started? I have been doing as much research as I can, but I don't really know the quality of the sources I'm finding. At this point, I feel I could stumble my way through making a knife, but I want to work at it until I can make art. Is this something that is simply done through trial and error or are there some reliable sources that could help give me a strong foundation. Ultimately, I'm sure that apprenticing under someone is probably the best way to do it, but, seeing as I don't know anyone who I could apprentice under, I'm hoping there are some equally viable options.
I hope I haven't bothered you too much as I know you are a very busy person, but if you could help me a bit with this, I would greatly appreciate it. Thank you again for your time. I hope to hear from you if you get a chance.


Dear Mr. Fisher,
I want to say thank you for sharing your vast knowledge of knife making. I've been reading your website on and off for the past couple of months and I really appreciate you putting the information out there. It has been extremely helpful for a beginner such as myself and I am sure it will continue to be a valuable resource as I hone my skills at this wonderful craft. Again, thank you.

--Bruce Eisele

Titled: Knife Heat Treating Article

"Nice article. A college course in itself.
I have learned more about knives from your web site than anywhere else.
Those TV shows like 'Forged in Fire' are somewhat amusing now."

--R. S.

Your Web Site-

Dear Sir,
I am impressed; you are the epitome of a professional.


Hello Mr. Fisher,
I just want to thank you a lot for writing your long detailed page on heat treating. After about 4 days of scrolling internet forums and such, your post laid it out the best. So relieved...!
Thank so much for your time... otherwise all the best!!

Marc Stanton

Thank you again- like finding the holy grail of treating that cut through all the floating opinionated stuff.

Hello Jay,
I am just delving into knife making as a hobby. Your website is a treasure trove of valuable information that has been a great reference for me. Thank you for investing the time to share your expertise.

Charlie Ward Wright IV

Hello Jay,
I was in the early stages of searching for a quality SRK and, eventually, I ended up on jayfisher.com.
Although I spent some of my younger years as a USAF forward controller, I have to admit that I've never been much of a knife enthusiast. I really enjoyed the video on your homepage, however, so I thought I'd type a few words of appreciation. Knife enthusiast or not, the underlying message of self-sufficiency in your story really resonates with me. Please keep up the good work and, even more importantly, keep spreading the word about old-world skills, problem-solving and craftsmanship -- they're all dying concepts.
By the way, I was very pleased to see that you've dedicated some of your talent and vision to military units like the USAF PJs. I trained and worked with some of them: and they clearly deserve the recognition.
Have a good one,


Dear Mr. Fisher,
I'm 19 years old, and I've just arrived back in the states after working on a mission in Western Africa for the last six months. I've been forging knives out of carbon steel since I was 15, but after returning from a place on the equator line where they all rust, your site has been most helpful in helping me understand that quality stainless steels are not only a corrosion resistant alternative, but also more than durable comparisons (if carbon is worthy of comparison at all, which I'll soon find out).
In addition, your latest page, 'funny emails' and your cleverly placed comments between the lines is simply hysterical! The woman building her relationship with a man that was begun with a sue-worthy design on a paper napkin is a winner. I'll be reading some of these aloud to my family around the dinner table tonight, and have no doubt they choke with laughter the way I did.
All in all, I would like to personally include my thanks among the many others who have also done so, for your site is very informative and inspiring to both aspiring craftsmen and adventurers alike, not to mention the new element of clean, tear drowning entertainment. Stay sharp!


P.S. Please forgive me for any ignorance on my part in case I've missed something that already exists, but if you ever have a subscription option, even a paid subscription, I'd definitely be interested, as I am positive countless others would be as well. It's rare to find a site that is bursting with legitimate information and good humor.

Hi Jay,
I just wanted to take a moment to compliment you on your site.  You make some very beautiful knives.  I have recently started making my own, and I am learning from many sources.  I have used some of your knives as inspiration in some of my designs.
I am not anywhere near the level were I could start selling them, but would like to be someday.  My primary hobby is woodworking, but I am a knife lover and recently started.
I am active duty military (US), and currently stationed in Germany.  I have been in 21 years, so I will be looking to retire soon.  I would love to be able to do woodworking/knifemaking to put food on the table, but I am still a long way from that!
Anyway, just wanted to drop you a line to say I like your work.  I have it bookmarked as a 'favorite' so I can see if you do any updates.

Take care,

Dear Jay,
Your knife site is frankly dangerous. I have lost myself for countless hours reading and ogling your website and learned more about knives and knife making in the process than I thought possible. I especially love your simple, clean and extremely verbose technical style.
In the world of knife making your site should be listed as a cultural treasure.
Regardless, thank you from the bottom of my heart for one of the best websites on the internet.

Aaron Young

...I enjoy your writing, colorfully injected with humor. I appreciate the work and knowledge base required to produce the works of fully functioning art you've pictured. I understand the research and diligence required on your behalf to have become top notch in so many fields (lapidary, leather tooling, computer knowledge/website design/script writing, and many more) makes you and your product one of a kind. The hours and dedication required to accomplish these feats is staggering.  You have accomplished and mastered multiple specialties.  Most will attain one, if that.  Further, I appreciate your ability to articulate your thoughts utilizing proper English, grammar, and punctuation. That ability, pride in end product, and respect for the reader is rare these days; more and more people are using text lingo/slang in business writing.  Thank you for taking this reader through the steps and equipment used and needed to offer such fine knives; a journey through your history as a craftsman, who clearly loves what he does to the point of learning other crafts in order to further his ability to offer the world a fine knife/work of art/investment opportunity/legacy item for generations to come.  You are an amazing man and one who has every right to be proud of his accomplishments.  I am truly amazed and inspired.

Thank you for your time if you have the opportunity to read my email, and in advance regarding an answer if you are kind enough to send a reply. Should my email not reach you, I am thankful still for having found such a valuable source of information in many fields.  I hope to one day be able to own a custom piece made by you.  Finally, a purchase my husband not only won't fight me on, but will happily help me with the decision making.

Best Regards,
Christina Coffman, GJG

"Aegir" knife sculpture in mirror polished, hot blued O1 high carbon tungsten-vanadium alloy tool steel blade, blued steel bolsters, 14kt gold bezels, peridot gemstones, Nebula stone gemstone handle, stand of cast bronze, white Carribean coral, Venetian gold granite with garnets
"Aegir" Knife Sculpture

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Funny Letters and Emails, Pg. 4 440C: A Love/Hate Affair PSD Principle Security Detail Sheaths      
Funny Letters and Emails, Pg. 5 ATS-34: Chrome/Moly Tough
Funny Letters and Emails, Pg. 6 D2: Wear Resistance King        
The Curious Case of the "Sandia" O1: Oil Hardened Blued Beauty        
The Sword, the Veil, the Legend Elasticity, Stiffness, Stress,
and Strain in Knife Blades
Professional Knife Consultant Heat Treating and
Cryogenic Processing of
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